This is so much love. :c
You should feel grateful.
But Idk what to talk about.
So did you know
Bunnies are soft? >.>
//gets murdered
//burned alive
//but didnt die, really.
I feel magicallll *3* Liek a fairy.
You jelly? D8
Jessi told me to write about my life ;3; But that's hard, cause my life isn't very interesting.
Okay, I lied, my life is super-super-superrr interesting. Liek, srsly.
I have two adorable, fluffy, older brothers, who are such gentlemen, and keep rhyming with my name even though they know I hate it so much *3* I have a mom, a dad and a dog and a hamster. o-o
Uhh I love kpop? D8 //listening to it right now.
Get down, Get-get-get-get-get downn 8D //shottodeath
//kicks Jessi.
Maybe I seriously should just spam way too many kpop pictures here for my own good.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
I feel smart now C:
...But I dont feel like looking for themm... D8
I am never writing a blog again. Ever.
Okay, I lied. Maybe. Probably. It's just, what should I write about omp ;3; //murders blog

Look at these beautiful people ;3; //shot
//kicks Jessi. Again.
I could totally use this blog to complain, but I dont feel like complaining over anythingg. Or getting all sad D8
Especially since I'm listening to a song where they literally say 'goo-goo-ga-ga-goo-goo-ga-ga-' (Nalina-Block B)
...Maybe that isnt a good thing. o-o No one is forcing me, and this stuff is helping me. o-o'
Maybe it's a bad thing. I mean, I still sound stupid when I sing. But this tastes badly. :c
Especially when I bite them. Ew. Why does everyone seem to like them except me? ;3;
I wonder if this is long enough.
Probably not.
'Okay, I'll try to make a really long blog post now D8'
To fail on purpose, or to not fail at all. >.>
And this is already full of nothing. Kinda.
Just a bunch of '//shot' 's and emoticons. Whoo *3*
I found an English cover of this yesterday. It was awesome. Niel gets too many lines. Well not as much anymore. But still. Yet, I like Niel the most. That makes sense. u.u
Jessi is a mean person dont marry her or let her marry your pets you will never see them again fordi she will huggle them and never return them and and and marry them and and huggle them and and and marry them and stuff. And you'd never see your beloved pets at all. u.u She likes to see me suffer making long blog posts which will probably not even end up long (//shot) And she, uh, kicks me. It's totally not me that kicks her. At all. Really. I'm totally not lying. >.> <.< >.>
Maybe I should just go read another manga. Why was Koko ni iru yo so short ohmygod it was so adorable ;-; WHY DIDNT SHE END UP WITH TERU WHY WHY WHY I LIKED TERU MORE THAN HINATA. D:
Fluff everyday. :c
And Kaichou wa Maid-sama isn't as interesting as it used to be ;-; Kinda. I still like it, lol //shot
Okay, now I dont feel like talking about manga anymore.
I want the new pokémon game. :c
I'm thinking of using my newspaper delivering money on it *^*/
Lollypopy, you should've finished SoulSilver, Pokémon is awesome, you just gave up too early ;3;
Unless you started playing again and didnt tell me. D8
When is long long?
Oh yay, philosophy *3*
Now I go google some philosophy questions *3*
Ooh, I found something *^*/
'Who am I?' *^*
...I am, Dóra.
...Or am I.
Is this long now? o-o
Ew, why do so many kids my age put some stupid emo quotes on all of their smiling profile pictures D8 How about a cheering-up quote for once odfhgaklnmd D8
But then again it's been a while since I updated my profile picture.
And I haven't updated my status for two years now. xD
OZ stole my facebook activeness ;3; Or well, when I got 'too old' for the games, Facebook got boring.
But honestly, the games arent interesting either. u.u
Once everyone had a MySpace.
That feels kinda weird, since I haven't really seen anything from that website for a while. o-o
And MSN is dying, lol o-o But the last time I was online there, I finally caught someone else online 8D On the other hand, there are always people online on Skype. o-o
Oppan gangnam style ;D
I wonder how many times I've said '//shot' yet. Free cookies to anyone who counts. 8D ... Maybe.
If this isnt enough then uh,
Then I'll just
have it short? 8D
Bye ;3;